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Dental Emergency IN Calgary NW, AB

Stop Your Dental Pain Today!

Are You in Pain? It Can be a Dental Emergency

There’s not much that is more excruciating than a dental issue. Most dental issues can wait until you can get a regular appointment- but there are some situations that need to be addressed immediately. At Peak Dental Group in Calgary, we understand that a dental emergency can strike at any time.

Many of our patients hesitate to seek emergency treatment because they’re unsure of what constitutes an emergency. If you have severe pain, a fever, swelling, and/or uncontrollable bleeding, you need emergency dental care. Some situations can escalate quickly and become life-threatening.

Therefore, if you are experiencing a dental emergency, contact our office right away- even if it’s not during regular office hours. We will help you get the treatment you need to address your dental concerns. After all, it is better to be safe than sorry. Even if it’s not an emergency, seeking treatment early can help you prevent an emergency in the future.

A man suffering from toothache


According to the American Dental Association, a dental emergency is a situation that is potentially life-threatening that requires immediate attention to stop ongoing bleeding or alleviate severe infection and/or pain. Some of the most common dental emergencies we encounter at Peak Dental Group include:

Painful tooth/toothache

A toothache, no matter how mild, should never be taken lightly. This is your body’s way of letting you know that something isn’t quite right in your mouth. If you are experiencing sudden, unexplainable tooth pain, you need to seek dental treatment as soon as possible.

Sensitive tooth/gums

Tooth/gum sensitivity  can be mild to severe. If accompanied by fever, bleeding, and/or swelling, you should contact our office as soon as possible to seek emergency dental treatment. You may have an infection/abscess that needs to be treated quickly to keep it from spreading.

Chipped/broken/loose tooth

Trauma is most often the cause of chipped/broken/loose teeth. A minor chip/break in a tooth is typically a simple cosmetic issue and doesn’t warrant emergency treatment. On the other hand, a large crack or break is something to worry about. A broken tooth can be painful because the pulp is exposed. A large crack allows decay to get into the pulp, causing an infection and requiring a root canal. If you have a large crack or break, you need emergency treatment.

Lost/knocked out tooth

If you have a tooth that has come out or been knocked out, it’s important to address it right away. In some cases, the tooth can be reinserted and saved, as long as you act quickly. First, you’ll need to recover the tooth without touching the root and carefully rinse it off. If you can, place the tooth back in the socket. If not, place it in a container of milk or hold it between your cheek and gums. To increase your chances of saving the too, get to the dentist within 30 minutes.

Any bleeding

If you have sudden, unexplained, uncontrollable bleeding in your mouth, you should consider it a dental emergency and contact our office right away. We will get you in so that we can do an examination and take x-rays to determine the cause and the best course of action.

Gum inflammation/swelling

Gum inflammation/swelling can have many causes. As a general rule, gum irritation/inflammation is not considered an emergency- but if you have bleeding with pain and swelling, you may have an underlying issue. You should never have unexplainable bleeding, swelling, or inflammation in your gums. If you do, you need to seek emergency dental treatment.

Concerns after trauma/injury

If you experience trauma to your face, even if you don’t have any visible dental issues, it’s important to schedule an appointment as soon as you can. While not a critical emergency, we do need to check for any underlying issues so that you don’t face something more serious in the future.

Loose/broken/missing dental crown

If your crown is loose, broken, or comes off, it’s important to address it quickly to keep debris and bacteria from collecting in the affected tooth.

Lost filling

If you lose a filling, it is not a life-threatening emergency, but you will need to have it replaced soon. If you don’t, you risk debris/bacteria collecting in the tooth, causing further decay and potentially causing additional oral and overall health issues.

Broken orthodontic braces

Broken braces are not necessarily an emergency, unless they are causing pain. If your braces break and you are not in pain, you can wait for regular office hours to schedule an appointment to have them fixed. If you are in pain, you will want to have them fixed as soon as you can.

Broken permanent retainer

A broken permanent retainer isn’t really a dental emergency, but don’t wait too long to have it replaced. If you don’t replace it, you risk your teeth shifting back into their original positions, which completely negates the orthodontic treatment you went through to straighten them.

Gum abscess/infection

Any dental abscess or infection is considered an emergency since it’s hard to predict how it will spread. Any unexplained swelling in your gums, whether accompanied by pain or not, should be addressed. The primary goal of treatment will be to stop the infection, which will typically involve a prescription antibiotic. If you have a severe abscess, you may need to have the site drained to relieve pain and pressure.

Abscessed tooth

An abscessed tooth is always an emergency. You should never try to pop and drain an abscess at home, as that could cause further complications. Only a dentist can safely drain the pus out and treat the infection.

Broken veneer

Dental veneers are fairly durable and should last for a long time. However, they may break if you do not take proper care of them. If this happens, you should seek emergency dental treatment because the teeth under the veneer are vulnerable to bacteria and infection.

Broken bridge

If you have a broken dental bridge it’s important to determine the cause. In most cases, a broken bridge means that the abutment teeth have broken. This must be addressed as soon as possible to prevent additional issues.

Broken dentures

While broken dentures are not necessarily a life-threatening emergency, not having them can make life much more complicated. After all, dentures restore your ability to speak clearly, smile, laugh, and enjoy your favorite foods. Therefore, you will want to seek emergency dental treatment.

Any other pain in your mouth

If you have sudden, unexplained, uncontrollable oral pain, you’ll want to seek emergency dental treatment. Pain in your mouth is your body’s way of alerting you that there is something not right. The best way to determine the cause of the pain and make it go away is with emergency dental treatment.



At Peak Dental Group, when you come in for a dental emergency, your treatment will be a priority. If your pain is severe, we will get you in the dental chair as soon as possible but if your pain is manageable, you may have to wait a bit.

We will start by examining your mouth and taking x-rays to determine the best course of treatment. From there, we will explain what is happening in your mouth and our recommendations. Our office staff will contact your insurance provider to determine coverage and we will proceed with treatment.


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At Peak Dental Group in Calgary, our dentists have experience treating a variety of dental emergencies. Dr. Sammy Gill, Dr. Gurshant Grewal, and Dr. Lana Huynh will help you understand what you are dealing with and the best way to address it. We strive to make our patients feel comfortable at all times. We believe that dental care should not cause anxiety.

Dentists at a Dental Clinic


If you are having what you believe to be a dental emergency, contact our office as soon as possible.


Our patients are our #1 priority at Peak Dental Group. We strive to make sure that you understand your situation and the appropriate treatments and are happy to address any and all of your questions or concerns. Some of the most common questions we hear about dental emergencies include:

What dental emergency is most common?
Some of the most common dental emergencies we see at Peak Dental Group are trauma, abscess, damaged teeth, knocked-out tooth, toothache, damaged dental appliances and damaged dental restorations. If you have any of these and they are accompanied by fever, pain, and excessive, uncontrollable bleeding, we will treat it as a dental emergency and get you in as quickly as possible.
How do I handle unbearable tooth pain?
If your tooth pain is severe, call the office and let our staff know. We will get you in for an exam and x-rays to determine what is causing the pain. Once we understand the cause, we will know how to proceed with treatment.
Should I ignore a tooth infection?
When you have an infection, it must be addressed as soon as possible. If not, it may spread to other parts of your body, causing serious health issues and could be life-threatening.
Is emergency dental treatment painful?
We understand that a dental emergency can be scary- especially if you already have dental anxiety. However, our team will do everything we can to help you feel more comfortable. If you’re in severe pain, we can provide you with local anesthesia for the exam to help you relax. If you have major anxiety, we can provide you with general anesthesia for treatment.
Do I need follow-up treatment after a dental emergency?
The purpose of emergency dental treatment is to get the situation under control at the time. Therefore, you will need to follow up with a regular dental appointment for additional treatment, such as extractions or root canals.
Can dental emergencies be prevented?
While you may not be able to prevent 100% of dental emergencies, there are some things you can do to reduce your risk. Proper preventative care, including exams/cleaning every 6 months and practicing proper oral hygiene can help. The exams/cleanings will allow us to monitor your oral health and address any issues before the advance.
When should I seek emergency dental treatment?
If you have any type of oral pain that isn’t resolved with home remedies or OTC pain relievers, or you have unexplained, uncontrollable bleeding and/or swelling, you should seek emergency dental treatment.

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